Childbirth Education

Classes are private, but feel free to bring in friends who are also expecting or who just want to learn about birth! The base fee covers 2 participants, and the price increases $50 for every extra person. They can be held virtually or in person based on your geography and preference. Scheduling is based on your availability.


Comfort Measures $150

This is a 2 hour class covering the basic anatomy and physiology of birth and what comfort measures to use during the various stages of labor and delivery. This class also covers how to communicate with your provider to enable a calm and confident birth environment where everyone is on the same page!


Labor and Delivery $300

This 6 hour class covers comfort measures in addition to a more detailed survey of what to expect during labor, common interventions that may come up, and how to make informed decisions about your birth. The class includes a list of resources for birth and the postpartum period and what to have available at your birthing location. This class can be scheduled over 1-3 days.


Pregnancy through the Newborn $350

This 8-hour class covers it all! From how to stay healthy and confident throughout your pregnancy, to gearing up for an empowering and informed birth experience, and preparing for when baby comes home. The class includes a list of resources for birth and the postpartum period, what to have available at your birthing location, and how to plan for an optimum postpartum period at home for you and your newborn. This class can be scheduled over 2-4 days.


Process Your Journey Through Art $150

This 2-hour workshop is perfect for you at any point in your journey to grow a family, whether you are looking to adopt, on a fertility roller coaster, pregnant, or postpartum. Through drawing and collage, this workshop will help you process your journey. It is perfect for individuals, couples, or the whole family.

Payment can be made through Venmo or Paypal using my email address:

“We worked with Sarah as we prepared for the delivery of our first child. Sarah took as much time as we needed to answer all of our many questions. She is extremely informative, calming and went above and beyond to prepare us with all we needed to know throughout the process. She really helped us to better advocate for our needs and wants while in the hospital. We feel very fortunate to have worked with her and highly recommend her!” — Leehe & Sam